Get On Your Grind

Get on TV. Get Distributed. Get Charted. Get Royalties. Get Reviews. Get Promo. Get on the Radio. Get what you deserve.

Promo, Distro, & Video

UGTV has what you need to break out with your music and videos. It’s all ready to go for you: distro, promo, video, album covers, music business, and more. Just reach out and we’ll work you through it.

  • Distribute Your Music: Get your music on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Deezer, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio and more.
  • Build Your Buzz: Promo your music, get reviews, get rizz, and Get Your Grind Up on streaming and radio play.
  • Get Paid: Once you get your music played, it’s time to get paid. Get your music registered for royalties and get checks.
  • Be On TV And Get Your Music Heard: Get exclusive TV interviews, radio appearances, and major media exposure.
  • Plug In With Your Team: Get hands-on game from UGTV’s OG team who charted other artists so you can break into the scene.
  • Make Your Video Happen: From event coverage to a full cast music video + promo, UGTV’s crew are ready for you.

iTunes Charting

Get guaranteed promo for your single to get into the top 40 of the iTunes Music charts! This is how you break out and get new fans listening to your music.

Sign up for this today and, you’ll:

  • Get promo for your track to get in the top 40 on iTunes music charts, guaranteed.
  • Receive a personalized iTunes music plaque after your tune tops out on the chart.
  • Schedule a TV spot to be shown on Urban Grind TV’s Comcast and Astound cable shows, as well as Roku and FireTV internationally.
  • Break your new single on the radio and get interviewed about your achievement on Urban Grind TV Radio.
  • Get charted next to major artists and get your sales started.

BET Jams / Shade45 (XM Radio)

Top-shelf Promo Packages Waiting For You

BET Jams Package: Get The National Coverage Your Video Deserves
  • Max out your promo for your music video by getting guaranteed play on BET Jams, getting national exposure for your music. 
  • Bonus: You’ll also get an Urban Grind TV and radio interview and your music video will also get submitted to MTV Live (who will play it if they like it.)
Shade45 Package: Do A Live In-Studio Shade45 Interview In New York
  • Get a live on-air interview, and a freestyle over your favorite track at the SiriusXM studios in New York City during the Saturday 2-hour prime-time show to over 47 million subscribers.
  • Get two singles played on Shade45 Sirius/XM Radio.